But James didn't develop his new vocabulary of civic obligation and social responsibility overnight. 但詹姆斯没有在一夜之间想出公民义务和社会责任之类的新词。
The explosion of volunteerism was hailed as a watershed moment for civil society in China, a country where civic duty and social responsibility have long taken a back seat to personal achievement and the accumulation of wealth. 志愿精神的兴起被视为中国社会的一个分水岭,长期以来个人成就以及财富积累成了人们追逐的目标,而公民义务和社会责任没有得到应有的重视。
Sense of civic responsibility is an important part of citizens'qualities in modern citizenship, and is the core of civic education. 青少年公民义务意识是现代公民素质的主要组成部门,是公民教育的核心内容。
The study showed that most teens felt little sense of civic pride or responsibility. 研究有明,大多数青少年很少有作为公民的自豪感和责任感。
Can our students model ethical behavior and civic responsibility with regard to their subject matter? 我们的学生是否能够示范与其授课学科相关的道德行为与公民责任?
They would do well to remember Saturn's focus on karma, integrity, and civic responsibility. 他们将做好记住土星的业力,诚信为重点,公民的责任。
I think it is civic awareness and strong social responsibility that encouraged us, said a recent high school graduate. 我认为鼓舞我们的是公民意识和强烈的社会责任感。
We have faith that the citizens of our communities will continue to fulfill their civic responsibility by preserving the Library. 我们有这样的信念:我们社区的市民将通过图书馆的存在继续履行他们的公民权益。
The strength of citizenship is manifested through a sense of social belonging and civic responsibility. 这种优势是通过社会归属感和公民责任感体现的。
The Research and Education Consider on the Awareness of Civic Responsibility of Youth 青少年公民责任意识的调查分析与教育思考
Following our return to the motherland, ensuring national security has become the natural and basic civic responsibility for each one of us to observe and practise. 香港现已回归祖国,保障国家安全,是天经地义的事,每个人都应该履行这一份最基本的公民责任。
Civic responsibility refers to a citizen's responsibility for his behaviors compatible with both social ethics and his status and the relevant consequences. What is virtue Public Relations Good is right. 公民责任是指公民履行与其公民身份相适应的、符合社会公共善的义务以及对行为后果的承担。当代西方公民责任研究的兴起有历史和现实两方面的原因。
The modern society is a civic society, and it is an essential responsibility of college education to train a great number of modern citizens who treasure the right of subjects and in the mean time, bear strong sense of responsibility for the nation and the society. 现代社会是公民的社会,在建设现代化和走向法制社会的中国,造就一大批既注重主体权利、同时对国家和社会极具责任感的现代公民,是大学教育不可推卸的责任。
The second part mainly analyzes the basic factors which constitute of the civic consciousness, for example: Citizen's consciousness of rights; Citizen's responsibility or voluntary consciousness as well as citizen's host consciousness. 第二部分主要分析公民意识的基本要素,如:公民的权利意识、公民的责任或义务意识以及公民的主体意识。
Health is a kind of basic civic rights, and social or government has responsibility to protect it. 健康是公民的一项基本权利,社会或政府有义务保障公民的这一权利。
Pursing Public Goods: Studies on Civic Responsibility of the Contemporary Western World 追求公共善:当代西方对公民责任的研究
Healthy awareness of civic responsibility provide impetus to the promotion of socialist construction, and is one of the factors of building a harmonious society. 健康的青少年公民责任意识是为促进社会主义建设提供动力,也是构建和谐社会的因素之一。
A lesson from this, on the one hand we need to study specific civic responsibility in civil society-related content, on the other hand we need to continue in the study and practice of civic responsibility to get a new meaning. 以此为鉴,一方面需要我们在研究与实践中不断的发掘公民责任的新内涵,另一方面需要从全局的角度来研究市民社会中公民责任的相关内容。
Civic consciousness is one kind of the modern social consciousness. The core of civic consciousness is make a correct understanding of the social, active and responsible participate in community affairs, take social development as own responsibility. 公民意识作为一种现代社会意识,其核心是使人正确认识社会,积极和负责任地参与社会事务,以社会的发展为已任。
Every qualified citizen should have a certain level of civic consciousness, young people are the hope of the motherland, for the civic awareness, especially in the cultivation of the moral sense of public responsibility, throughout all aspects of school education. 每一个合格公民都应具有一定水平的公民意识,青少年是祖国的希望,对于青少年公民意识,尤其是公共责任道德意识的培养,应贯穿于学校教育的各个方面。
In terms of Post-90s university students 'sense of civic responsibility education, it encourages the Post-90s university students to be aware of and stick to their obligations and responsibilities by certain means education content and methods. 90后大学生公民责任意识教育是指通过一定的教育内容和方法,使得90后大学生能够对其负有的义务和承担的责任有自觉的认识和主动的履行。
Comprehensive Programme of Action "advocacied:" Civic education should be the responsibility of the education sector. 《综合行动纲领》中倡导:公民的教育应是教育部门的责任。
The survey shows that, in thought: "90" students have a firm national aspirations, strong sense of civic virtue, the more positive attitude towards life and a strong sense of social responsibility, adhere to the orientation of mainstream values. 调查显示,在思想方面:90后大学生具有坚定的社会理想、较强的公民道德意识、较为积极的人生态度和较强的社会责任感、坚持主流价值取向。
In this paper, mechanism buildings highlight the responsibility of the relevant interest subjcts and mainly clear the government responsibility and civic responsibility. 在机制建设中,突出强调相关主体责任,主要明确了政府责任和公民责任。
According to liberal point of view held by Locke, Marshall and Rawls, individual freedom and rights are paramount; accordingly, state must reduce the requirements of civic responsibility and intervention to individual life. 根据洛克、马歇尔和罗尔斯等人所持的自由主义观点,个人自由和权利是至高无上的,相应地,国家必须尽可能地减少公民责任的要求和对个人生活的干预。
Cultivation of sense of civic responsibility in college students is the only way to improve their individual quality and achieve their all-round development and it is an effective exploration to innovate moral education in universities and promote the social value of higher education. 大学生公民责任意识的培育是提高大学生个人素质,实现大学生全面发展的必由之路;是创新高校德育内容,提升高等教育社会价值的有效探索;是构建社会主义和谐社会,实现中华民族伟大复兴的重要保证。
The author believes that the young people for young people to study the awareness of civic responsibility to help young people form a sense of civic responsibility to help cultivate modern citizens. 笔者认为,对青少年的青少年公民责任意识进行研究,有利于青少年公民责任意识的形成,有利于培养现代公民。
But there are also some problems that not allow to ignore. There exists a deviation among some students on civic identity, rights and obligations, responsibility which present narrow national sentiment and national consciousness. 但也存在着一些不容忽视的问题:如部分大学生公民身份认同、权利义务、责任感存在偏差;存在狭隘的民族情感和民族意识等。
Civic responsibility is the self-determination sense and self-conscious behavior which acting in the stipulation, The study on civic responsibility, based on the responsibility theoretical rationale, the description of virtue individual. 公民责任是以规约为表征的自主意识和自觉行为,对公民责任的研究需以责任理论为其学理基点,以德性主体为其描述对象。
Firstly, combing the theory of government, civil society, civic culture theory and other related concepts, put forward transition of ethical region government responsibility and the transformation of government ability. 首先,梳理了政府责任理论、公比社会理论、公民文化等相关问题,提出转型期民族地区政府责任及政府能力的转型趋向。